2017 Commencement speakers
- Stevenson - Alice Mead (Stevenson ’71): Vice President, U.S. Professional Relations, GW Pharmaceuticals
- Crown - John Laird (Stevenson ‘72): State of California Secretary for Natural Resources
- Merrill - Kris Perry (Merrill ‘86): Executive Director, First Five Years Fund; lead plaintiff in the case to defeat CA Proposition 8.
- Porter - Mark Jarman (Porter ‘74): American poet and critic often identified with the New Narrative branch of the New Formalism; he was co-editor with Robert McDowell of The Reaper throughout the 1980s. Centennial Professor of English at Vanderbilt University
- Kresge - Cat Ramirez: Director Chicano-Latino Resource Center and associate professor Latin American & Latino Studies, UC Santa Cruz.
- Oakes - Nicole Lee (Oakes ‘98): Executive Director of the Urban Peace Movement, a youth leadership development program.
- Rachel Carson - Deborah Moore: Western States Senior Campaign Manager at the Union of Concerned Scientists
- College 9 - Mark Fathi Massoud: Associate Professor, Politics and Legal Studies at UC Santa Cruz; research focuses on conflict settings and authoritarian states, and Islamic law and society.
- College 10 - Terisa Siagatonu: award-winning poet, arts educator, queer Samoan womyn and community organizer and activist, rooted in the Bay Area.