Peggy Downes Baskin Ethics Lecture Series

Postponed: Margaret Atwood at UC Santa Cruz
We look forward to welcoming Margaret Atwood to UC Santa Cruz (date TBD) where she’ll be in conversation with author Kate Schatz (Stevenson ‘03, Creative Writing), the New York Times-bestselling author of Rad American Women A-Z, as part of Baskin Ethics Lecture Series. Prepare for Atwood’s visit by joining The Deep Read, a new initiative of The Humanities Institute.

Jaron Lanier – How the Internet Failed
Jaron Lanier visited UC Santa Cruz October 29, 2018. He explored how the internet as it exists today might destroy our world.

The Ethical Role of the Public University
Bettina Aptheker, distinguished professor and Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Presidential Chair for Feminist Studies, delivered the weekend’s faculty keynote address and 2018’s Baskin Ethics Lecture.

Fania Davis – Restorative Justice
Fania Davis gave the 2016 Baskin Ethics Lecture, where she discussed Restorative Justice origins, principles, practices, and critical issues, with a focus on the ongoing project in Oakland, California.

Toni Morrison – Literature and the Silence of Goodness
Toni Morrison gave the 2014 Baskin Ethics Lecture and was awarded the UC Santa Cruz Foundation Medal at the 2014 Founders Celebration at the Coconut Grove for her powerful writing and expressive depictions of Black America, giving life to an essential aspect of American reality.

Lisa Jean Moore, “Among the Missing: Operations in Recovering Bodies”
Lisa Jean Moore, medical sociologist and Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Purchase College, State University of New York, will present a talk based on her recent book Missing Bodies: The Politics of Visibility.