2011 Founders Celebration

Founders Celebration Events Include:
Sidhartha Maitra Memorial Lecture
- October 11, 2011
- UCSC Music Recital Hall
- Time 7:00 pm
- Tickets: SOLD OUT
Dr. Abraham Verghese:
The Art of Medicine in the Era
of Homo TechnologicusThe ascendance of technology in medical culture often leaves patients with a sense that their personhood is of less interest than their disease. In this lecture, Dr. Abraham Verghese, author of the NY Times bestseller Cutting for Stone, advocates for a new humanism in medicine.
Evolutionary Revolutionary
- October 15, 2011
- Flint Center, Cupertino
A remarkable evening of art,
science and life“LIFE: A Journey Through Time,” an original multimedia orchestral performance that chronicles the history of life on Earth through the imagery of Frans Lanting and the music of Philip Glass.
The Peggy Downes Baskin Ethics Lecture
- October 19, 2011
- Humanities 1 building room 210, reception to follow at 6:30 in Humanities 1 room 202
- 5:30 pm
Among the Missing:
Lisa Jean Moore, medical sociologist and Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Purchase College, State University of New York, will present a talk based on her recent book Missing Bodies: The Politics of Visibility. We know more about the physical body—how it begins, how it responds to illness, even how it decomposes—than ever before. Yet not all bodies are created equal, some bodies clearly count more than others, and some bodies are not recognized at all. By examining the cultural politics at work in disappearances and inclusions of the physical body Prof. Moore shows how the social, medical and economic consequences of visibility can reward or undermine privilege in society.
Operations in Recovering Bodies -
Research Review Day
- October 20, 2011
- Location Engineering 2
- Time 9 am
- Schedule & more information
Research Review Day 2011 will highlight some of the groundbreaking research that is being pursued at the Baskin School of Engineering. The program is divided into three focus areas -- Gaming, Genomics (Personal Health), and Networks Science -- in order to give you a broad view of the exciting research that is being undertaken as we develop technology for a changing world. We have allowed ample time for discussion and hope you will find the day stimulating and rewarding.
Foundation Forum
- October 21, 2011
- UCSC Music Recital Hall
- 3:00 p.m.
At the Dawn of Personalized Medicine
Transforming the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer. Featuring: J. Michael Bishop, Art Levinson and David Haussler, professor of biomolecular engineering. Moderated by Dr. Moira Gunn, host of Tech Nation.