From Books to MOOCs

UCSC presents

The Evolution of Teaching in the Liberal Arts


Peter Kenez
Murray Baumgarten
Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature,
Co-Director of the Center for Jewish Studies

Murray Baumgarten
Peter Kenez
Professor Emeritus of History

Facilitated by
Bill Ladusaw
UCSC Dean of Humanities

Saturday, February 22, 2014
Wine and hors d'oeuvres—6 p.m.
Program—7 p.m.
Dessert reception to follow

St. Francis Yacht Club
San Francisco

Murray Baumgarten and Peter Kenez will discuss how teaching in the liberal arts has changed over the years, and how their course, The Holocaust—taken by hundreds of UCSC students each year—has moved from the lecture hall to the global electronic stage. As a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), the class reached more than 15,000 students worldwide. While student-faculty interaction is still a hallmark of a UCSC education, the evening will explore how great teachers can leverage technology to broaden their reach.

Questions: (831) 459-5003